The NSRA and Lord Roberts Centre

In response to the developing situation with Coronavirus and to follow Government advice, I have decided the Lord Roberts Centre and all of the businesses therein will close at 11.00pm on Tuesday 17 March 2020 and will remain closed for the foreseeable future. I believe this is the best course of action at the present time considering the circumstances.

This will mean the NSRA Shop will also be closed but online sales will continue and be managed remotely, albeit not for firearms and ammunition. Bisley Sports Wholesale will operate in the same way.

The West Midlands Shooting Centre (Aldersley) will also close this evening and remain closed until further notice.

We will monitor and review the situation on a regular basis and keep everyone updated via the website and social media. I am sure you will agree with me we need to act responsibly in the public interest at this challenging time.

Iain Root

Chief Executive Officer

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